My Name is BBear and I just decide to start writing a new blog post with my friend WBear and talk together about different topics related to SEO.
After you build a web site, and after a feew years of changes until you found the correct and likely look and feel, you will need to think about to optimize it to get more visitors more visitors and much more visitors. To do that you will need to start a SEO tactic, there are a lot of best practices to follow with the same goal, each one with some benefits and another's ones with more penalties options, you will think about what you have, what you can obtain and what you can lose if you become penalties...
To finish my first post I just will offer as my own experience a comparison chart between Black SEO tactics and White SEO tactics, both from my own point of view.
Black SEO Techniques:
Link farms, one of the most interesting method to create a own network where you can share links between each other site of your group, that's also know as a PBN ( Private Blog Network ), you can afford this manually of with automated methods using developing tools.
Hidden text, just a joke for users where the visitors will don't see outgoing links to other sites, but they are available for all search engines spiders, so your site will have more links for robots than your visitors can see. That is archives using a littler piece of code in your site.
Doorway Pages, also know as bridges pages, portal pages, gateway pages, jumps pages and much more as you imagination can offer. That type of pages offer you a collection of links or options to your users to open some interesting content but really they will be redirect to a non-related page for your visitor. That use of Black SEO I really bad for your visitors impression.
Parasite Hosting, I love that, search one webpage, for example a restaurant website, the create a internal page that only will be available from a hidden internal link or from a external source. That will offer you a plus for search engines, and back links to others pages. That is really but if you know the owner of that pages, but they only will get angry if they found that parasite ;).
Keywords stuffing, some people thinks is a technique but really, this is a bad practices. They full some areas of website with a huge number of keywords on the content and metadata, currently this will only offer you a penalties for different search engines if you don't know the number of key words that search engines use as a limit for penalties.
Blog Spam, create a list of a huge number of blog post where you can post links and they don't have non-follow tag on comments. After that buy some tool for automate process (that could be a interesting new post ), and create random comments of each one. Nice challenge if you do that with your own programing code.
Scraping, Paid links, I love scrap, it means that you can create your own search engine robot ( crawler and scraper ) to surf trough internet jumping from one site to another to find interesting content with select filter, and after you found it you scrap html code and upload it to your site. If you do that copy and paste you will get really early banned, so don't copy just scrap and rewrite it.
Cloaking, think that you have an agreement with some foreign company ( for example Japan ), they will pay you if you put and advertising in your website. Cloaking means to present that type of advertising or content for example only for and specific visitors (language related, country location, time frame, etc...), really interesting to fulfill if you can.
White SEO techniques:
Link Baiting, spend a lof time to create singular and quality content, that your visitors would like to refer in their web site. Also think that not all people are hones and will scrap your quality content, copy it for publish in they site without any referred...
Quality content, pay some writer to create a stack of page of quality content, save money for that and search for cheap writers beside you can writer it all.
Guest blogging, write or pay for content and offer others blogger to blog for someone else blog that will accept offer you a backlink. Save money and time again...
Internal Linking, with the next point, that are 2 of white site techniques that I found important to follow always in each web site, create a good sitemap, take care about broken internal links, and help crawlers to read your site.
Site Optimization, as I mention before, internal linking and site optimization are that technically ways that you have to do to increase performance, and search engine indexing options. You site is blind for robots, so think about it and allow they to understand and move trough your site.
Black SEO: High risk level, but we love that type of adrenaline ;).
White: Slow growing on S.Engine rankings, some people lose their patience while waiting and change SEO with TV...
Well, that's is only my first post, I apologize for English grammar.
Enjoy your dark SEO guys ¡