SEO Tools

Ho to analyze your website SEO basis

1.- Sitechecker

You can get a free SEO report and improve the rank of your website with Sitechecker's that include a free website analyzer.

more info here: sitecheker

2.- SEO Analyzer by Neilpatter

If you haven't already try this, you are loosing a very good opportunity, you can just enter your URL into "SEO Analyzer" and see a great verification. It will show you what's wrong with each of your web pages in a SEO point of view.

You can also check if there are duplicate meta tags, redirect errors to sitemaps and much more. It practically covers every important aspect of SEO; it will even show you the overall speed of your site and what you need to fix and in what order to get the most results.

3.- GTMetrix

Loading speed is something elementary when we think in terms of SEO positioning of our website or blog. In fact, we must be very attentive to this parameter on our website and contemplate all available ways to improve it.

You can use GTMetrix to improve your online project, especially in terms of SEO. it's easy to use tool to analyse the loading speed of your website. 

more info here: gtmetrix

Or, use this button, to use my shorcut to open this 3 tools in a new incognito browser window and run their services for free just clicking on the following button; I'll open them in a new windows, chek popup bloquer :).



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